Back from the Brink – How White Rhino Numbers Increased 34,000%

Rhinos at Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photo by Faraz, Battle for Planet.

The Southern-White Rhinos numbered less than 50 at the turn of the 20th century as a result of being hunted for game. Since then, due to the hard work of Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park (HiP), white rhinos number over 17,000 today, an increase of 34,000%. According to an article by CNN, all the southern-white rhinos in the world are descended from the group of rhinos at HiP, meaning that all the southern-white rhinos are descended from a common ancestor that existed 120 years ago.

Rhinos across Africa are being hunted for their horns which is used as an ingredient in Chinese traditional medicine despite having been proven not to contain any medicinal value. Mao Zedong, former Chairmen of the Communist Party, promoted the use of rhino horn, tiger bones and bear bile, which sent several species stampeding towards extinction. Despite the fact that Zedong did not believe in the powers of rhino horn, he preferred the use of it over Western medicine. More recently, however, in countries such as China and Vietnam, rhino horn is viewed as an object that symbolizes wealth and power, fueling the illegal wildlife trade.

Due to the current lockdown being enforced in several countries and due to travel restrictions, we ourselves may not be able to take any action at the moment, but donating to WWF will help protect the habitats of endangered species.